Frequently asked questions

How fast do you ship my pet's treats?

We strive to dispatch your order within 1-2 business days.

How do I modify or cancel my order?

We do our best to ship orders out within 2 business days, which means we might not catch yours in time to modify or cancel it. If you'd like to modify or cancel an order, please contact us ASAP and we'll do our best.

Contact Us: 09-31313136
Line: @petprojectth

How can I check the status of my order?

You'll receive a confirmation email with a tracking link once your order has been shipped out.

What if the treats are damaged or defective?

Oops! Let us know within 7 days, and we'll fetch a solution – whether it's a replacement or a refund.

Contact us: 0931313136
Line: @thepetproject

Can my pet exchange treats for different flavors?

Absolutely! Treat swaps are a thing. Just reach out, and we'll guide you through the pawcess.

What if my pet doesn't like the treats?

We want every tail to wag with joy, so if your pet turns up their nose, don't worry! Contact us within 7 days of purchase, and we'll work on a treat-olution. We might be able to find a flavor that suits their taste buds or offer a refund. Your pet's happiness is our top priority!